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Pattabhi Jois yoga workshop, New York, July 2000

navasana adho mukha svanasana marichyasana d

8 o'clock class, 17th or 18th July

salamba sarvangasana matsayasana

Guruji teaching

Guruji Guruji Guruji & me

Guruji, Sharath (and, er, me)

Views in and from the Puck Building

These pictures are from the astanga vinyasa yoga workshop Pattabhi Jois taught in New York in July 2000. This was my first time studying with Guruji - I hope it won't be my last - and probably the biggest ever astanga yoga gathering worldwide. A unique and very special experience. I am extremely grateful to Guruji, Manju Jois and Sharath Rangaswamy for their teaching, and the surprising amount of personal attention they managed to give to so many students in such vast classes; also to Eddie Stern, Chris and Wendy (sorry I don't know your last names) and everybody else who must have put in a huge amount of work organising the event.

There's also an article in Yoga Chicago on the New York workshop, by Cara Jepsen.

Pictures copyright © 2000 Alan Little